Film Wisconsin Directory

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University Cancer Centers
Short Description
Dr. Mark D’Andrea has a mission to find a cure for cancer disease.
Long Description

University Cancer Centers provides personal cancer care treatment to its patients. They believe cancer patients should be treated more like family to beat cancer. Personal cancer care includes recognizing genetic mutations in different cancers, speedily and more effective techniques for aligning tumors, and new processes for perfectly matching treatments to cancer patients and innovating more targeted therapies.

Phone Number
12811 Beamer RD Houston, TX 77089
Short Description
Looking to do more freelance!
Long Description

Hey there!
I'm hoping to break into more freelance work and can do a variety of jobs/roles. I was an Associate Producer at Harley-Davidson for 9 months, have created several student shows that aired on PBS, love being behind the camera and being creative. I can edit in AVID, but am working on getting better in Premiere.
